Images size and TinyPNG

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  • This post is to put a experienc received, recently with a project of mine, Quasar my game was over 150meg of size most of them because of the images and graphics, not only took a long time to load but also got a very big use of memory.

    After geting images from the export and running over TinyPNG i reduced the size to 45mb.

    Reduce the file size before importing them to construct will not have the same effect.

  • I don't really believe that.

    Not that I completely understand what it is you are saying.

  • I think what your trying to say is that your using TinyPNG to lossy compress your PNG files before importing them to C3. But that it's having no effect on the export size of the project.

    This is expected, TinyPNG works by converting the images to 8 bit indexed PNG files ( 256 colours ). However, when C3 exports images it combines them into spritesheets in the standard PNG format ( 32 bit - 4.2 billion colours ).

    Choosing the option "re-compress images" in the export should losslessly reduce the size of your images, this is a good starting point. Alternatively you can run TinyPNG on the Spritesheets after export if you want, but given that you will have many images on the same sheet reducing it to 256 colours may cause issues with image quality.

    Reducing the physical dimensions of your source images is generally the best approach to reducing memory usage.

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  • Obviously it depends on what you have in your game, but I usually have big background images or crowd animations in sports games.

    Running those sprite sheets ( after export from Construct ) through tinyPNG ( or some similar program ) does reduce file size by up to 70%. Image quality looks pretty much the same, but I don't do it with main elements/sprites in the game. They are usually smaller in file size anyway, and I don't want any compression applied to those.

    So yeah, a 15 MB game may easily drop down to under 10MB simply by doing this to some larger images in the game

  • Obviously it depends on what you have in your game, but I usually have big background images or crowd animations in sports games.

    Running those sprite sheets ( after export from Construct ) through tinyPNG ( or some similar program ) does reduce file size by up to 70%. Image quality looks pretty much the same, but I don't do it with main elements/sprites in the game. They are usually smaller in file size anyway, and I don't want any compression applied to those.

    So yeah, a 15 MB game may easily drop down to under 10MB simply by doing this to some larger images in the game


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