I'm back! Questions on layer 3d objects

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  • Hi all! I was a user of construct 2. Was in the forum all the time. But, life is life, and I've been busy.. for 6 years.

    Suddently I remembered construct 3 was in development years ago! Super excited to try it out!

    3d objects and camera. Mwah, dream come true. I basicly gave up trying to make something 3d years ago. Original doom 3d builds just weren't working.

    So, asides from a kenshi style avatar (4 elements) game I'm starting.

    I'm incredably excited to see starwing NES style game potential!

    Wanted to know if you can layer 3d objects, so a spaceship can traverse a xyz universe?

    Also, can you make 3d objects have a 3d shape. Like a sphere not a square.

    Just bought and started using. Cant wait!

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  • Welcome back! Firstly, yes it is possible to have different objects at different points in the x, y, and z planes. Second, the support for more complex 3d objects/models is not built in to construct 3, however it is possible with the use of plugins. :)

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