Sorry, what I'm asking is how people deal with calling functions with boolean parameters when the boolean value isn't known.
Ideally boolean parameters wouldn't be a tick-box, but a value field, like string and number parameters are. That way you could use a variable value at runtime. Instead it's hard coded by the programmer.
E.g. Say function PrepareMeal has three booleans: eatsMeat, eatsVeg, eatsFish. And say the customer object has the same three boolean variables, but each customer has a different combination of true/false. You'd ideally pass through the customer objects' boolean values into a single function call, like "PrepareMeal(cust.eatsMeat,cust.eatsVeg,cust.eatsFish)", but functions don't accept variables for booleans.
So it seems like you either have two options:
1. Use a bunch of if/else statements calling the function with different combinations of booleans.
2. Use a Number parameter instead of a boolean, which can accept a variable.
Option 2 seems best, it just felt weird to not use boolean parameters for boolean variables.
So I thought I'd ask if there was a better approach to this before converting all these if/else groups to functions using numbers instead.