In another thread you asked for evidence that the auto spritesheeting could be a problem. I ran a test and wanted your thoughts. I cant give concrete numbers because I can't set up my whole game in C3 but hopefully this will show you there needs to be a better method to spritesheeting.
I recreated how my game is set up but in C3. Here are my test spritesheets:
The green sprites are the player, the red and blue are enemies, and the smaller ones are fx related to each of those. The green sprites that say "Death" and "Death 2" are animations that should never be loaded together as only one of those is ever needed when the player dies. The green sprite that says "swim" should only ever be loaded on levels that have water. There are also Enemy 1 red sprites which only ever exist on one level. But here it is loaded every time the player is loaded. Also on Sprite Sheet #4 there is a grey star which represents player FX. If I use this player effect, it will load a larger than needed sprite sheet which contains an Enemy sprite, and Enemy FX. Lastly, the red and blue enemy sprites never appear together in game, but they share spritesheets. Every one of these sheets are completely wasteful.
Keep in mind this is just a small test of a few enemies and FX objects. My player character has 16 standard animations, 5 deaths, 6 cinematic animations, 3 unique level animations...and counting. Most of those shouldn't be loaded unless necessary to optimize as much as possible.
The most simple enemy in my game has 7 animations averaging 6 frames of animation each.
There are tons of FX most of which are animated too
All of those player sprites and related FX would be spread out into multiple enemies and their related FX even if those enemies and FX should never exist together.
I hope you can see why some type of sprite sheet grouping is necessary for larger games.