Doubt regarding banner ads?

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StartApp Ads
$11.99 USD
[ C2 ] [ C3 ] support C3 build service | You can use Banner Ads, Interstitial Ads and Video Reward Ads.
  • Hi,

    I am thinking about using banner ads in my project (I haven't used banner ads earlier). I am having few doubts regarding it:-

    The size of my game is 720x1280. If I add banner ads, will it overlap content of my game,or will it itself shift below the content so that it does not overlap the content? If it does, this means that size of my game will change?

    Thanks in advance

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  • Ads will overlap. Therefore, you should arrange your objects in such a way that they don't interfere with the ad. Be aware that Apple and Google have rules that prohibit you from purposely placing buttons close to the ads to prevent accidental clicking. (even though I've seen many still do it) ;)

  • Ads will overlap. Therefore, you should arrange your objects in such a way that they don't interfere with the ad. Be aware that Apple and Google have rules that prohibit you from purposely placing buttons close to the ads to prevent accidental clicking. (even though I've seen many still do it) ;)

    Thanks for the reply

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