Update: Since I experience frequent stuttering even though I have a high fps I decided to measure the highest values of the variable dt each second. When I run my game with the "Remote preview" feature on my phone with the chrome browser, after a short while in the beginning of each scene I get a smooth experience with 17 ms of maximum dt most of the time, a few seconds have a maximum dt of 33/34 ms.
However, when I run my game as an exported Cordova app I frequently get maximum dt values of 34 ms, 51 ms and even 68 ms some times. Any idea why some of the dt values would be larger when running as a Cordova app? I have a Samsung Galaxy 5 Neo.
You can try the app version that counts the maximum dt values here: drive.google.com/open ... FVKSXphNVE
Old post
To get a feel for Construct 3 I've made a simple Flappy Bird clone with the Tappy Plane assets from Kenney. When running the game on my android phone with the Chrome browser it works fine but when running as an app made with the built in Cordova building service the app is stuttering even though the reported FPS is high. Has anyone else experienced this before? Feel free to try my game using your android phone to see if you get stuttering when using the cordova built app.
Tappy plane on a webserver: eddeland.com/tappyplane
Tappy plane .apk for android: drive.google.com/file/d/0B4VUO9/edit ... sp=sharing