Construct will not open any projects in Chrome

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  • I haven't opened Construct in about a month. When I did it updated and now will not open ANY projects- not mine, not any example project, not single-file or project-folders. Every one gives this error:

    "Failed to open project. Check it is a valid Construct 3 single-file (.c3p) project."


    "Failed to open project. Check it is a valied Construct 3 folder project."

    I have tried entirely clearing the browser cache to no avail. Any ideas?

  • Got any out of date addons?

  • Indeed, I use the VScode plugin which I did install...still no luck...

  • Press F12 and check the console log - it should tell you exactly why the project can't be opened.

  • Thanks, this is the error I get with 4 different example projects and 2 of my projects:

    [Project] Exception opening: TypeError: unexpected type at R.i (main.js:903:461) at d.VL (projectResources.js:1677:345) at d.$Ib (projectResources.js:1681:9) at d.mfb (projectResources.js:1681:57) at d.xba (projectResources.js:1383:75) at d.Ha (projectResources.js:1386:226) at window.$Q.cSb (projectResources.js:1354:344) at window.IDa.Ikb (projectResources.js:1363:43) at window.IDa.Ha (projectResources.js:1364:308) at d.Ha (projectResources.js:1340:478) ln main.js:726 main.js:703 await in (async) ylb exampleBrowser.js:1 await in ylb (async) lmb exampleBrowser.js:32 await in lmb (async) mJ exampleBrowser.js:54 DIa exampleBrowser.js:51 (anonymous) exampleBrowser.js:44

    ...which doesn't show anything in particular; it's not related to anything in my project(s) because it also happens with the example projects as well.

  • Cleaning just browser cache is not going to do it, I believe you need to clean all website data, including hosted app data.

    If it doesn't help, try a different browser, or opening C3 in a private tab.

  • What I did was "Clear browsing data" from the settings and selected everything/all-time. I also went into the dev-tools and deleted every indexedb and cache and localstorage item.

    I also deleted Construct from chrome://apps. Still won't open ANY project (including examples)!

    Within a private tab I can open example projects but I use the VScode add-on in many of my projects... After installing this add-on and refreshing the page I can no longer open ANY projects again. This same behavior occurred in the Opera browser. This same behavior occurred in the Edge browser.

    The problem with Firefox & Brave is that it doesn't give the option to open a project folder...most of my projects are saved this way. IE won't run Construct (pushes to Edge.)

  • I also tried to open the project in version r302; I get this error message: "This project cannot be opened since it was saved in a newer version..." Which is not the case because I have never been able to open it!

    I finally was able to open it in r311. Also able to open in r319.2; The kicker is that I rolled back my git repo and it still wouldn't open in the latest stable release. Seems very likely related to my bug report:

    Which was discounted because I didn't provide a project but it's not an issue with a project- every example I tried also failed...

  • As far as I'm aware, it's working fine for everyone else - it sounds like only you are having trouble. Perhaps you have a browser extension installed that is interfering with Construct and breaking it? Try disabling any browser extensions you have one-by-one, or try a different browser.

    If you're using a third-party Construct addon, it may be that the third-party addon is broken and is causing the problems. In that case you'd need to contact the addon developer for help.

  • See my prior comment about various browser machinatiosn (including removing all extensions.) Also see these comments for the add-on:

    What I understand you to say is that an add-on is able break the engine (no projects open after installing that add-on). Wouldn't it be reasonable to have a way to recover from broken add-ons in a project?

    Construct updates automatically, sometimes while a project is open, which makes these issues a major disruption.

  • open the project in the version it was last saved in and remove the addon.

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  • Construct doesn't really update automatically, every version is available at it's own address. The default shortcut just sends you to the latest one. Construct (which loads from cache so you don't have to redownload it every time), notices that the version at the link is different than the one loaded in your cache and tells you to refresh. You can bookmark and use a specific version forever.

    Also if you find that you're unable to open a project in a newer version, then there should be no way for you to save in that newer version. The version you saved in should always be able to open the project (regardless of the addons you used in that version).

    If an addon you have doesn't work with the latest version of construct, just use the one that it did work in.

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