Construct 3 any news?

From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!

    yeah- cosmetic stuff matters to some people.

    Like one thing that bothers me with grouping is that groups blend in too easily with other events- so I end up putting a comment above and below it(inside the group) with text saying Beginning of Group X, and Ending of Group X.. And I also add an extra line or two of empty space.

    It helps the group stand out when I'm scrolling through the events, and I can also see from the bottom of the group which group it is based on the comment. Maybe allowing to specify colors for selected events would help too.

    So, as long as the visual changes improve usability and don't hinder it, then I support it.

    just provide a cool dark skin ..

    What is wrong with the dark skin that exist?

    > just provide a cool dark skin ..


    What is wrong with the dark skin that exist?

    It's pretty ugly. Game Maker Studio 2 is getting a really nice looking dark UI. Other good examples are Pyxel Edit and Adobe's software (aesthetically only, the functionality of the UI should be kept simple, unlike Adobe's).

    C2's UI works really well. But cosmetics also matter (to some of us). A good looking UI can boost sales to new users of Construct


    > > just provide a cool dark skin ..

    > >


    > What is wrong with the dark skin that exist?


    It's pretty ugly. Game Maker Studio 2 is getting a really nice looking dark UI. Other good examples are Pyxel Edit and Adobe's software (aesthetically only, the functionality of the UI should be kept simple, unlike Adobe's).

    C2's UI works really well. But cosmetics also matter (to some of us). A good looking UI can boost sales to new users of Construct

    Having the idea of Construct 3 in a UI with the same properties of Adobe is something i can agree on considering that it will be lightweight as possible but something like GameMaker 2's UI, that is the worst move yet.

    Many people including me don't like that bloated UI of GameMaker 2. I rather have a lightweight software that is efficient even if it's not flashy as long as it doesn't compensate on decreasing the feature list.

    So in other words, many people don't like GameMaker2's UI because of those unnecessary memory, cpu and especially network usage. You'll understand this if you have tried the GM2 Beta. So please Scirra Team, make C3 as lightweight as possible but not so far that it will affect the feature list. Just make it cool and light.

    So please Scirra Team, make C3 as lightweight as possible but not so far that it will affect the feature list. Just make it cool and light.

    I can't imagine them not making it lightweight, since that is one of the hallmarks of C2, but the weight and ease of use of C2 is why we selected C2 to begin with.

    I purchased C2 when i saw C3 will be available on mac (upgrade), but now i see GMS2 will also support mac also, and probably much sooner than C3 even rolls out. And i really liked C2 way of working, but cant wait forever

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    To make things worse, Game maker supports visual programming and even will soon show you output code of your visual programming in real time - to teach you to script

    blurymind I think Game Makers DnD is complicated than GML, C2's event system is much better.

    BTW I can't believe we still don't have any info about C3 it's been 2 years

    Hello Ashley,

    In Construct 3, will there be a system to build behaviors that can be scripted with a system of events and actions?

    This will allow to build my own behaviors than i will be able add to sprites or other objects.

    Have you planned this kind of features ?

    Thanks you very much.


    I think that

    The advantages of leaving first (GMS2) is that every day that passes the tool is improving more and more with the help of people's opinions

    exit the last (C3), not going leave time for react, when want to react will be too late

    C3 Status update would be a great Christmas present for all of us

    Just imagine ....Event Script Flash ++ ...

    with built drawing tools (inkscape-like)...animation panel (Spriter-like) panel (Audacity-like)..

    maybe even some Json plugin inside..

    It will be cool to see that korbaach , and the particles panel with real time preview and more settings / options for it.

    Something like Sprite Lamp effect as an behavior sounds good? As a 2D tool, texture is not Our priority, but making it easy to implement could be very nice.

    Think about creating a player or enemy sprite and then setting the Sprite Lamp behavior, opening a new window where you're able to place at least 4 shadow textures, also, being affected by any source of light and making its shadow and depth visual like the original Sprite Lamp did.

    Something like Sprite Lamp effect as an behavior sounds good? As a 2D tool, texture is not Our priority, but making it easy to implement could be very nice.

    Think about creating a player or enemy sprite and then setting the Sprite Lamp behavior, opening a new window where you're able to place at least 4 shadow textures, also, being affected by any source of light and making its shadow and depth visual like the original Sprite Lamp did.

    Sprite Lamp is cool, it gives manual control over each light direction, but I like Sprite Dlight myself since it auto-generates the normal map to be lit up:

    But yeah, some simple hook to open up another "tool" or plugin, like Photoshop filters, would be really cool.

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