Does Construct use Google Ad IDs?

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Google Analytics 4 Plugin for Construct 3 enables metrics and analytics for your games easily.
  • Google play wants to know if apps targeting API LVL 33 for Android 13 use ad IDs in google play or advertisement plugin. Is this used by construct plugins?

  • Yes, Admob (and most other ad networks) uses AD ID. So just press Yes on that thing.

    But just so you know, you will probably not be able to target api33 until 2023, at the earliest.

  • Good Morning,

    Thanks for the information in this thread! Question....

    I've exported my game and have added it to the Google Play console in the "Closed Release Track". It currently sits in the "Unreviewed" status. It's been a few days now.

    The Advertising ID Declaration keeps prompting me every day. I do have the native Mobile Advert Plugin in my project. I feel like this is delaying my review process. From my understanding the most recent version of Construct 3 doesn't even support Android API 33. I assume I can select "No" but I've selected "No" and "Yes" and it just comes back. What do I select?! I'm so confused. Any help would be much appreciated.


  • You should select Yes, since your app uses advertising ID.

    I do not believe this is related to your app review though..

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  • Thank You Fredriksthlm!

    Very Helpful!

    So I'll select "yes" and then selected the "Advertising or Marketing" radio button. Should I select anything else? I plan on having Adverts and Google Merchant used in my game.

    Lastly, what I am confused about it the Permissions statement regarding permission in the XML file. Does Construct 3 take care of this when exporting to an APK or AAB file? or do i need to do something afterwards?

    Thank You again. This is my first game and going through this process. You folks are great on these threads


  • The permission will be added automatically (when Scirra updates the Admob plugin :)

    So you do not need to worry about that.

  • You should select Yes, since your app uses advertising ID.

    I do not believe this is related to your app review though..

    So, I should say yes simply because any game from Construct 3 will have this advertising ID by default, right? And like the other poster showed, I should check the box for advertising and marketing as the reason?

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