Does Construct 3 Have a Compiler? Cocoon IO is f'ed up.

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  • Cocoon IO is completely useless, they're blaming my project. A project that worked before it broke though isn't working. I didn't change any code, but they're saying it's my project. If that was the case then something that worked before would be working.

    They're saying it's your Project. No, it's not. If it were my project then the one from before would be working. Code that I didn't change at all that worked before. ... sh/5452/26

    "If it were the Project then why does a project that worked before not work now? It can't be the Project. Then please explain why code that worked before, without being modified at all whatsoever, doesn't work now. Something that before this happened. I didn't change ANYTHING. This the file that I restored, and did not modify. It used to work, and now it doesn't.

    Please explain that. The code is exactly the same. It worked before, and now it doesn't. So it cannot be the Project. Because if it were the Project, the one that was working would still be working, would it not?"

    They're blaming my Project. Those $$hats.

  • Phoenixbowman

    It does, and they give you a few options between debug and prod ready (unsigned).

    I haven't had any issues with the compiler from C3 and think it's 100% better compared to the Intel XDK and Cocoon IO.

  • Have you tried using the C3 build service instead?

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  • Why do you want to build your project again if you did not change anything Phoenixbowman?

    Anyway it is possbile that the code which worked earlier will not work right now even if you haven't changed a single event in the capx. For instance if you use some third party library (Cordova IAP, ADs, Barcode, or any other feature), the library on github can be deprecated (not compatible with newest Cordova version).

    There can be obviously other reasons as well. Just saying that the code you made is just a part of the end-product so you should think of other parts that could have changed in a meantime as well.

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