Collision Polygon with Mesh Billboard

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From the Asset Store
mesh 3D objects "hemisphere, oval, tunnel and other various shapes."
  • I just realized that if you make a 2x2 billboard with a mesh the collision polygon essentially becomes a single line, which is not real useful.

    So if you want collisions for that object you have to use a dummy, also not great.

    The question now is, can we have a setting to not use the mesh altered collision polygon?

    I don't see an issue with this, unless there are plans to have actual 3d collisions.¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    Also the same thing happens to non Sprite objects. The bounding box becomes... well a collision polygon, but one that's a line for billboards.

    Edit 2:

    Another thing to mention is that this also applies to Shadow Caster.

    I can think of a lot of scenarios where you would want the collision polygon rather than the altered mesh for a shadow.

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