Change language?

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Implement multi-language translation inside your game effortlessly with the language.translate plugin!
  • I noticed that option on settings, although there is only english available at the moment. I may get a job teaching kids videogame design soon, and not being on a english speaking country, language is a drawback for Construct on that front, so I really like this.

    When can we expect more languages? Does it change everything or just help text and stuff like that?

  • The editor fully supports translation, but we are extremely busy with a range of complex aspects of the launch. We're hoping to address it in the near future.

  • Cool, any chance we can make custom translations ourselves?

    (If it helps move this up on the priority list think that languages is an advantage Stencyl has over you guys )

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  • The editor fully supports translation, but we are extremely busy with a range of complex aspects of the launch. We're hoping to address it in the near future.

    If your answer to Momio 's question is that we can make translations ourselves, will there be a simple to edit file where one can do that?

  • We are actually planning a full web-based editor to crowdsource translations, manage changes between releases, and so on. It won't be ready for a while, but that's what we want to do for this.

  • We are actually planning a full web-based editor to crowdsource translations, manage changes between releases, and so on. It won't be ready for a while, but that's what we want to do for this.

    That's a great idea. I'm looking forward to it later on.

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