Any chance to remove blue overlay for selected objects?

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  • Don't know what the idea was to make a blue overlay for selected objects in the editor, but it is not a good idea

    Especially when you are working with colors, this overlay spoils the working experience

    Probably it is good for some newby devs, like schoolers, who learned to make games

    But not for pro users

    I can say more, it is one of the the fundamental things that will not allow construct to become a professional editor, a small thing with a big negative impact

    And will be a good idea to disable this overlay somewhere in the settings

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  • You are entitled to your opinion of course but after using Construct for 10 years I never once thought this highlighting of the objects is spoiling the work experience. Also you might be the first person to ever mention it so I don't see how it has as big a negative impact as you say.

  • I’ve also been using Construct for about 10 years and the blue overlay occasionally bothers me too. It only really became a noticeable issue when I started doing some very precise quality control, paying attention to specific colors and color picking. So yeah, it’s a bother sometimes, and I’ve thought about how handy it’d be if it could be toggled between full and outline only, and being able to change the color.

  • you can disable it with alt, which can be handy when you want to color pick into the selected instance. (there is also a "bug", which lets you keep that state, hold alt while going into the color picker, then it stays like that)

  • you can disable it with alt, which can be handy when you want to color pick into the selected instance. (there is also a "bug", which lets you keep that state, hold alt while going into the color picker, then it stays like that)

    Great workaround

    Sadly it doesn't work with the tiles

    Color distortion there sometimes makes work harder

  • Also you might be the first person to ever mention it

    this is another reason why sometimes I want to leave Construct

    When you see some very unsuccessful UI/UX workflows in some engine, and it is do not bother anybody, it means that nobody really works deeply with the engine, which is a sign of a dead engine.

    Ok with this blue overlay, I found many workarounds on how to pass it, it is hard and annoying, but possible

    But when I see something more weird UX solution that you can't pass in any way, like changing the scale of the sprite in the editor after you change the image order in this sprite, it works like this for years but nobody cares in the community, it is so frustrating

  • I also don't understand why some things aren't fixed when, theoretically, they would be easy to fix. And yes, it is something that is very frustrating and annoying.

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