Build Server down?

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  • Hi,

    Is the build server down?

    Can somebody at construct have a look at it?

    Thank you.

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  • There aren't any issues here we can see - and I just exported two types of Android file, one minified and one not, without a problem.

    Maybe try rebooting your internet connection and you can always check the browser console to see if there's more information about why a build might fail.

  • Thanks for getting back Laura, will give it a try again.

  • Build failed.

    "Lost connection to build server"

    But my internet is working and is able to surf net and msg this forum.

    Will try to restart my pc.

    This issue started since last night for me.

  • Hi Laura_D

    1. I've restarted my pc, cleared my cache.

    2. Reloaded construct3

    3. Re-Login. (As I've cleared my cache)

    4. Added the addons for the project again

    5. Loaded my project.

    6. Build.

    Results :

    Transfer for build to server was smooth until 60+% when it started to slow down. After that, I lost connection to build server then I get stuck.

    Any idea why?

  • Unfortunately, I don't know enough about networking or the build service to offer any more suggestions really. I did try manually throttling my connection and retrying a build and it did disconnect a few times before transferring me a built file.

    It could be that your connection is good but unstable - hence the disconnects, but honestly I'm guessing. The only other thing to check would be if you can build one of the example files to see if it's project specific, or maybe use C3 in an incognito window in case any browser extensions (if you have any) have started causing an issue.

    Ashley might have been able to offer more insight, but he's away this week I'm afraid.

  • Thanks for the suggestion Laura_D, I did try building an example project and it did build.

    But when I used my project, it failed with the scenario I described above. Is it due to the project size, timeout or if there are some changes applied recently that might cause the issue?

    The issue did not occur until yesterday, and its very frustrating as I need to build apks for myself and my team to test on devices as we are doing a mobile game.

    Are there any people other than Ashley who might be able to look into the situation?

    Greatly appreciate your time and help.

  • Update :

    Managed to get 2 builds done so far, but with multiple failures in between.

    Really hope this gets solved... thanks.

  • Given you can build a small project, it does sound like a connection issue - a while ago, mine started giving me problems. I was able to use things like discord but would give lots of random, brief DNS errors when browsing. Forcing Chrome to use a public DNS seems to have stopped that from happening, so you could try that?

    Unfortunately, we've got a few staff away this week, so you're stuck with me for now!

  • I managed to make multiple failed builds before getting one more build done today, before failing all other builds. So it's been very frustrating :(

    Regarding your suggestion to force Chrome to use a public DNS, I would give it a try soon! Hope it works for me too!

    Thank you for being so active in helping Laura. It's greatly appreciated :)

  • Hi Laura_D,

    Switching the DNSS didn't work for me unfortunately...

  • Looks like its more than a Browser networking issue:

  • Hi Laura_D and zakkaplay!

    I have the same problem from today. Everything was working fine yesterday. I changed the 3 internet sources (wi-fi and mobile internet), it did not help. Also, I tried to build a version that was previously built without problems - nothing happened, the same error connecting to the server.

    If you need additional information I can provide it.

    I believe that we can solve this problem together.

  • This wasn't happening previously afaik - certainly not for me. But can confirm it's reproducing on my end now and we're looking into it.

  • Laura_DDiamonDcher

    Did a build and seems the server is back! :D

    Thanks Construct team and Laura_D!

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