ARN error rate in Android games and app

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  • Hi!

    Ashley I wanted to ask you about the ANR errors that Construct 3 is producing since Android has switched to SDK 34 and has incorporated android 14.

    I have been able to look at the ARN error graphs of my games and applications and I can say that it is quite evident how since that event that was about July 10-12 approximately in all my applications and games the ARN error rate has skyrocketed, going from having an average of between 0% and 0.1% to a current average that exceeds in almost all cases the 0.80% of ARN errors.

    This is being a first level problem, because google play has a maximum threshold of 0.40% in the ARN error rate and being above this 0.40% is affecting the positioning and therefore downloads and revenue.

    In my case I am having drops in number of downloads due to loss of positioning. In fact if you go to google play console you can see this error rate with a red admiration if it exceeds 0.40%.

    I would like you to start working on solving this, because it produces a lot of instability to applications, stability that before if there was because I never had to worry about something and the graph of ARN errors was almost zero before that 10-12 July.

    I hope your response and that other colleagues can say if they also this is happening to them.



  • As you can see my error chart for July. The graph calls out that I am slightly below the 0.47% threshold.

    But that's only because I have mediation in play and 17 advertising SDKs and analytics connected.

    In those games with pure AdMob and analytics the indicators are even better.

    I recommend to look at the report on errors, what kind of SDK causes them and try to catch them on your test device and look at the logs.

    I understand you the increase in errors is very unpleasant and affects organic installations, so I always implement a new version gradually and look at the number of errors.

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  • Hello!

    Well, it depends on the application, I also have a threshold below 0.40% but they are the least, the majority have exceeded that threshold and everything since then.

    How do you track failures on a test device to know which SDK is failing? Do you use Android Studio connected to the test mobile? or how do you do it?

    This way I could see those errors and polish the application.

    Although I mention that there were no such errors before and perhaps Construct should take a look at how the new version of Android behaves so that we do not have to worry about SDK errors as they were before.

  • How do you track failures on a test device to know which SDK is failing? Do you use Android Studio connected to the test mobile? or how do you do it?


    I first study all the crash reports in google, but it is rarely explicitly stated which sdk. Then I connect all test devices through android studio and watch logs and try to catch the error, mostly errors occur when a weak device or slow internet.

    It also helps to build a new build version without changes and send it for release.

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