Anyone else seeing slower performance with C3 editor on Chrome?

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  • Hi Ashley,

    If you recall, there have been several posts about the poor performance of C3 editor in Chrome and Edge. When working with fairly large projects, there are random lags and freezes lasting from a fraction of a second to 10-20 seconds.

    What's weird is that these issues are isolated not just to the browser app, but to a single browser tab. I can have two or three editors open in Chrome and only one of them will be freezing and the other two tabs will be working perfectly fine.

    Seems like we found the possible cause of the issue - garbage collection!

    Clicking the "Collect garbage" icon in DevTools immediately reduces or completely removes the lags. Please see the videos in previous comments. Here is also a report from relixes on Discord:

    Unfortunately, the effect is temporary. In my case the lagging returns after 5-15 minutes, so I have to keep the DevTools open and click that button many times a day.

    Can you please do something about this? Perhaps there is some "garbage collection aggressiveness" setting which should be increased, or maybe you could force it to run every 1 minute or so.

  • Web apps have no control over garbage collection at all. It's entirely part of the browser. I think the best approach would be to file a bug with Google at as perhaps there is an issue with Chrome's garbage collector that can cause lengthy pauses.

  • Ashley Every time you tell to file a bug with Google, I'm at a loss, because I really have no idea how to explain this in technical terms to their engineers. "An app I'm using in Chrome starts to lag until I force garbage collection"? They will probably redirect me back to you.

  • Issues like this are tricky to deal with as it's difficult to fully follow the bug report guidelines. However if you file an issue as best you can anyway, hopefully they can look in to it. I don't believe I've ever observed this issue, and usually dealing with a bug report involves a back and forth as the developers ask questions or suggest things to try and the person affected responds to those; if I don't see the issue there's no way for me to respond to those questions, and so if I file the issue all it does is slow down the process and make it less likely to get fixed. If you post the link to the bug that's filed here I can follow it and answer any Construct-specific questions if they come up.

  • dop2000

    Looks like we might have to condition ourselves to "F12 + Click Collect garbage icon", just as we've conditioned ourselves to "Ctrl + S".

  • I just wanna chime in and say I haven't seen any issues. How big are your projects roughly?

  • I just wanna chime in and say I haven't seen any issues. How big are your projects roughly?

  • Lord have mercy 17k events, 25k actions, 4k object types! That's like orders of magnitude larger than my largest project, which is like 500 events tops. No wonder I have no issues lol. Out of curiosity, what are you building?

  • 1StepCloser Whoa, I'm guessing you are starting to push the limits of Construct. That's why you still have lags even after garbage collection. I suspect the number of object types is the main factor.

    Our project is much smaller: about 50MB in size, 10K events, 500 object types.

    Looks like we might have to condition ourselves to "F12 + Click Collect garbage icon", just as we've conditioned ourselves to "Ctrl + S".

    I now keep DevTools constantly open on a second screen, together with C3 Search window.

  • anyone know if its better for editor performance to have less tabs open (layouts, event sheets, etc.), or it doesn't make much difference?

  • Ashley I opened a report for chromium team regarding this issue:

    I'm not sure how to tag Ashley in the report, I can do it if someone tell me how.

  • Thanks, I've starred the issue so I'll also be notified of updates in case I can provide any assistance.

    I'm not sure if anyone is able to narrow it down to a specific time, or even Chrome release, where this issue first started happening (if that's the case and it hasn't been there forever), but if you could that would potentially be a key detail to help the Chrome developers figure it out, in case they made some important change to something around that time.

  • Just for fun I created a project with 6k objects, 22k events and 68k actions, all in a single eventsheet. I can tell that performance is tanking at this point, extremely so on the eventsheet. It's pretty much not useable at this point, as every action taken there takes a good 3 seconds. Just switching to it freezes construct for maybe 20 seconds. I'd argue tho that nobody is insane enough to have 22k events all on a single eventsheet.

    On the layout view however I notice little impact, though it gets slightly laggy once I open up the folder in the project view that contains all 6k objects. About 0.2 seconds delay that goes away if I close the folder again. Very much useable. I've increased the objects to 12k even and now it certainly starts lagging more, but still not unuseable, and closing the folder also still fixes it.

    I've been mucking around in the project a while, but apart from switching to the eventsheet I don't have any freezes longer than a few seconds, and even those are only on the eventsheet. So... I dunno.

  • WackyToaster

    Lord have mercy 17k events, 25k actions, 4k object types! That's like orders of magnitude larger than my largest project, which is like 500 events tops. No wonder I have no issues lol. Out of curiosity, what are you building?


    Our project is much smaller: about 50MB in size, 10K events, 500 object types.

    And it's a beauty, I saw a few videos of it, congrats to you and your team. ( ^.^ )


    I've been mucking around in the project a while, but apart from switching to the eventsheet I don't have any freezes longer than a few seconds, and even those are only on the eventsheet. So... I dunno.

    Main Factors in my experience:

    1. # of objects, global variables -> Slower dropdown lists

    2. Duration project is open -> Garbage collection issues leads to slow down -> This affects practically all actions for me, unlike the dropdown list specific issue.

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  • Someone posted a reply to the chromium bug report I opened mentioning theyre havin a similar issue in their webGL app.

    They mention this: "Disabling "Memory Saver" and adding my site to "Always keep these sites active" completely fixes the issue."

    Here is a article mentioning how to access these options for chrome browser:

    Sharing this here in case anyone else want to try it. I'll be testing this on my side, I'll feedback about this after using C3 for a while.

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