Anyone else seeing slower performance with C3 editor on Chrome?

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  • They mention this: "Disabling "Memory Saver" and adding my site to "Always keep these sites active" completely fixes the issue."

    Could we add to "Always Keep these sites active" while still enjoying the benefits of Memory Saver for all other tabs?

  • I haven't had this before, and i have 32gb of ram. Not sure if it's related to your guys issues.

  • They mention this: "Disabling "Memory Saver" and adding my site to "Always keep these sites active" completely fixes the issue."

    I checked my Chrome settings and it had Memory Saver disabled by default. I added * to the list of active sites, and so far the editor didn't lag today for me!


    alastair Do you get this error in the editor or in preview? I learned that open tabs in the editor consume a lot of memory, so if you are able to load the project, try closing some tabs in it.

    If you can't even load the project, extract all files into a folder and delete all *.uistate.json files. After that you should be able to open it.

  • dop2000 thank you! And the memory error just came randomly while working on the game, not sure why it happened, never seen it before. I might have switch to a different window and back, can't remember.

  • I've been using C3 for 3 days now without the editor freezing. I think adding C3 to "Always keep these sites active" list worked for this specific problem.

    This should be good enough to keep working normally for now until we wait for a chromium fix.

  • If you find additional information like settings that work around the problem, remember it would be useful to add those details to the Chrome bug report too.

  • Will do, thanks for the tip. I did had some freeze in the editor some moments after I posted here yesterday, but it was not like the other freezes I had before, this time the editor became responsive again after a while (maybe after waiting 1 minute).

    I'll try doing more tests to be sure if this is really working as I believed and then update things in the report.

  • Strangely, I didn't have any freezes in the past two weeks. I've been using C3 on a different machine where I didn't touch the performance settings in Chrome. Yet the same project that used to lag and freeze terribly now works fine!

    I'm guessing some memory leak issue was fixed in the latest Chrome release.

  • Awesome to hear dop,

    Perhaps the performance issues I deal with are more isolated to projects of the size I'm working with.

    Project Version: r332

    I've tried with the Memory Saver Toggled On/Off, but this is the current setting:

    After reading your post I updated Chrome, but I have data for the previous Chrome version and the most recent:

    In Chrome Version: 110.0.5481.104

    Project Open For Several Hours

    This is how long it took to move a single action from one place to another:

    After garbage collection it still took this long:

    In Chrome Version: 110.0.5481.178

    Project Open For ~30 minutes

    This is how long it takes to move a single action from one place to another:

    After garbage collection it still takes this long:

    Memory footprint is relatively normal:

    ~2 GB

    For me, the only reliable method thus far for maintaining smooth performance is to continually reopen the project every few hours.

    Which supports the notion (in my case) that the clearance from garbage collection (unsurprisingly) doesn't meet the clearance from closing the project and reopening it.

    Something seems to be stacking up over time that affects performance, but doesn't get addressed by garbage collection that is only noticeable in certain-sized projects:

    Other details:

    I save quite frequently (every 15 seconds or less if actively making changes).

    The save method I use is project folder (It would take several minutes to save changes otherwise, which if I'm saving every 15 seconds...yikes).

    I mention this as it could be a potential factor among other actions:







    Another note-worthy observation (Cut / Paste):

    After updating to the newest version of Chrome, I opened my project and changes made within those 30 minutes included a large amount of cut and paste actions of several events.

    I'm inclined to think that might be a factor as the project had only been open for ~30 minutes, yet reflected the performance I see in my project when it's been open for several hours:

    In other words:

    Occasional cut / paste actions over several hours might resemble the performance impact of large amounts of cut / paste actions in a short amount of time.

    I might test this out further and report back.

  • Fundamental Performance Impact for moving actions:

    Testing Environment:

    To control for other factors. I closed all tabs, collapsed all project folders, and performed this test on a blank event sheet with only the single action moving from one place to another.

    The Test

    Moving the action from the bottom event to the top event.


    Blank Project with only the testing environment:

    Re-Opening my project and doing nothing else but testing the action movement in the testing environment:

    Performance Impact:

    At baseline this shows that moving an action takes approximately 47 times longer to perform in my project compared to a blank project even when closing all tabs, collapsing all folders, and working with an isolated action in an isolated event sheet.

    So this begs the question(s):

    • What is C3 checking to perform this action?
    • Is C3 looking at various other event sheets to move this isolated action within this isolated event sheet?
    • Are objects, project folders, global variables, etc. being checked when moving this isolated action, when on the surface, it appears to involve none of them?

    Considering this involves freshly opened projects, garbage collection isn't the focus.

    Furthermore, considering that these two tests were performed in the same environment (same background tasks running), this seems to highlight a potential issue.

    I'm sure this is quite tricky because there are various factors that need to be checked in some cases when moving events (duplicate variable names, group names, local vs global variable, etc), but perhaps when these checks are made can be optimized?

  • This topic seems to pop up a lot lately.

    I can confirm that i ran into the exact same issue multiple times. Although not lately, simply because i didn't work on my project for some weeks.

    However i have a much smaller project with less than 2000 events/actions and 120 objects. Nothing fancy, and i still had 5 seconds lags when selecting (double click) js- or moving event blocks.

    64gb of ram btw.

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  • However i have a much smaller project with less than 2000 events/actions and 120 objects. Nothing fancy, and i still had 5 seconds lags when selecting (double click) js- or moving event blocks.

    Have you tried clicking "collect garbage"?

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