Advices from experienced developers

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  • 4 posts
  • Good evening, folks.

    I've been trying Construct 3 for one month now and my license is about to end. I am thinking about digging deeper on it, but I wanted to hear what you, experienced developer, think about this engine.

    I've seen online reviews, but is not like I can question them about their opinions, so, if you want to share your thoughts, I'd like to hear (Read).

  • My thoughts are you should stop paying by the month.

    Seriously you should try as many engines as you can, you never know you might prefer how another works.

    I kind of doubt that though.

    To me the only metric that has any pull is 2d vs 3d.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • My thoughts are you should stop paying by the month.

    I just wanted to give it a try, so one month seemed to be a fair shoot.

    I already tried many engines, and Construct 3 seems to be quite good, but I am worried about how the engine handles full games, I don't want to finish something and notice compatibility bugs. Specially regarding the Admobs.

    I've heard that these plugins of Ads are somehow outdated, and Android export isn't accurate, but those are things that I don't really understand, so I wanted the advices from experienced developers about the subject.

  • I've heard that these plugins of Ads are somehow outdated, and Android export isn't accurate

    There are performance issues on some Android devices, but other than that I am not aware about any problems with Android exports. Admob plugin works fine, and if you want more monetization options, I highly recommend Chadori's collection of addons:

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