Hey AllenT,
Thanks for the reply! And thanks for the compliment on the website!
We didn't build the website in Wordpress. It's just a landing page so we didn't need anything that heavy. All we used was Foundation 5 (for the nice flexible grid), Sublime Text 2 (for the coding), and Photoshop/Illustrator/Manga Studio for the graphic assets (Manga Studio was for the paint-brush stroke looking stuff.) There are also a few extra scripts in there for specific purposes. If you need any of those you can just look at the page source and find them, or ask again and we'll refer you to them.
Making it took about a week. Most of the time was spent making all of the graphics and tweaking the design. If you don't have to make too many graphics and have figured out the design beforehand, it should take less time, possibly even just a day (and you'll probably have better loading time .)