Nice work retrodude, and all in just two days! With a little more polish, this will be a fantastic game!
The various layers of parallaxing gives the game lots of depth, and adds to the illusion of speed really well. The wolf animation is great. I really like the way the camera zooms out when the wolf jumps, and the screen shake when the wolf lands with a thump I even saw a pod of dolphins leaping through the ocean! And unless I was hallucinating, I think at one point I found myself racing alongside a whale (how cool is that)! The control system seems simple and very easy to use, and it's great that control objects are adjustable (what a smart idea!).
It was a little difficult to enjoy/play when testing on PC, because of the touch controls. Perhaps you could add some keyboard controls for now, so people can try it out on PC too
Anyway, overall a great game and I look forward to seeing it develop further.