Hello there,
This week I finished a game I was doing for the brazilian graphic design office Pank Design. The game is Pancho, el cacto atirador (Pancho, the shooting cactus), a lunch-time-sized mini-game.
Pancho is Pank Design's mascot.
<img src="http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/373923_311540438869777_125523024138187_1179971_1583034346_n.jpg" border="0">
Game in facebook. You don't have to be logged to play, only to share.
The game was done in 3 days, by only 2 people (me and Estev?o Sarcinelli).
The goals are simple:
- pop as many baloons as possible
- the clock is the timer
- panktone baloons give you points
- poping the right panktone baloon will give you more points. The picked color is showed in the card above Pancho
- white baloons are just nice to pop, but give no points
- orange baloons rewards you with a few extra seconds
Don't forget to tell me what you think about the game! If you like, please share and help me keep doing this games <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">
Hope you enjoy the game!