Ninja iSphury - Arcade Game

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  • 7 posts
From the Asset Store
Ninja Cats
$20 USD
A set of 4 professionally animated cat characters !
  • Hey guys

    i am here to present my first game on C2.

    It's a bullet hell with ninja style.

    Hope you enjoy.


    Arcade Link

  • Neat :D

    add some cannon fodder and some power ups and this will be pretty damn cool :D


  • Nice graphics - but honestly I do not like the gameplay at all

  • Im not a big fan of the mouse thing. Its uncomfortable to use <img src="smileys/smiley6.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> And i dont get how to play <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • Thanks for the opinions guys. I had a lot of doubts about the gameplay in the mouse or keyboard. But now I think I've found a better gameplay.

  • The control is confusing at first, but the terrible performance in my computer made me play for a couple of levels. Not my style, but the control seems ideal for smartphones/tablets?

  • Pretty fun game Monchild.

    About the controls - I shared the same opinion as everyone else when i first started, but by the end i was used to the mouse (a lot easier once i realised the head didnt have collisions).

    A couple of things, for the first 8 stages or so - the bar at the bottom i thought was the progress bar (it seemed to be fully charged just as the stage was ending). You should explain the use of the right mouse button in the game (or outside of the game! haha). Or at least have something flash when it is full power. (especially since a couple of those stages are near impossible to complete without). (Also the reason i think it should flash is because your eyes are so focused on your guy most of the time - its easy to miss in the heat of the moment).

    having played a lot of the raiden style of games i think you did a very good job on the bullet patterns(more so in the early stages). Variety of enemies was good. All around good progress.

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