Grocery Store Tycoon now on Android

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    I finally got the publishing issue out of the way and this is my first game on Android, it costs .99 cents

  • I have not played the game but I think you need to work on the graphics.

    Regardless, curious about the gameplay, perhaps you could upload the web version online.

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  • I have not played the game but I think you need to work on the graphics.

    Regardless, curious about the gameplay, perhaps you could upload the web version online.

    Its my first Android app so Its like a test to see if all the tasks work correctly, which some dont so thats what im fixing right now.

    Also I keep my pixel art simple because there are many good games with really really simple art

    Question, have you published to android before because I have an issue im trying to deal with

  • Sorry I never published on Google Play OR the App Store.

    What do you mean by 'test'? The game is public now isn't it? You should probably test the game on another platform like the Scirra Arcade or host it. So people can play and test. Then publish on Play.

    Anyway, I still think the graphics could use an overhaul. For example; some graphics are drawn with 1x1 pixels and others are much larger, more like 6x6 or bigger. The graphics just looks out of proportion and I'd make it look more .. uniform. Also, the text displayed isn't a pixel font either.

    Maybe that's just me being a perfectionist, although I do think if you want to compete with the 'big boys' you will need to update them.

    - R

  • Sorry I never published on Google Play OR the App Store.

    What do you mean by 'test'? The game is public now isn't it? You should probably test the game on another platform like the Scirra Arcade or host it. So people can play and test. Then publish on Play.

    Anyway, I still think the graphics could use an overhaul. For example; some graphics are drawn with 1x1 pixels and others are much larger, more like 6x6 or bigger. The graphics just looks out of proportion and I'd make it look more .. uniform. Also, the text displayed isn't a pixel font either.

    Maybe that's just me being a perfectionist, although I do think if you want to compete with the 'big boys' you will need to update them.

    - R

    I agree with the proportions but im not going out to compete with those companies, game creation isnt like that. Focus on your level and you can still create good games. I see my mistakes made and I know what to fix in the future

  • I have not played the game but I think you need to work on the graphics.

    I disagree the graphics are fine as is for this game!

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