Thanks everyone for you replies ! =D This is the first game i have ever created, I wasn't really expecting this much positive feedback.
Thanks all for great ideas and tips also, I'll see how much further i will take this project. The mobs' graphics will be updated later, Im quite happy with the main char and the tilesets.
All the levels are procedurally generated from a quite simple formula so yes, it might be a little repetitive at times. If you press escape and "new game" you can see the game generating another first level, this happens really fast, and that's credit to construct 2, cause there's quite a lot happening in my code.
I have plans of adding boss levels at a later time or in the final release, to break the repetitiveness up a little.
A0Nasser: There is no real save system in my game, even tho you can "load" at any point. The game saves at start of level and when you find the key. (so you don't have to go all the way to the end of the tunnel each time you die) Thanks for replying
Knight Light: No date yet for a final release (sorry) My last version of the non-demo version had unlimited number of levels, thanks to the game generating its own levels (i tried to design my own levels but i found out i **** at it, AND im lazy so i just programmed in a simple generator instead) =D As for hair changing color, it works here in firefox and in chrome, try another browser maybe? i have had reports of it not working once before. Thanks for reply =D
jobel: Yes there is some inconsistency maybe with the shooting the cage three times. I'll probably change the whole cage and my tarded drawings too, bunny is definetly a placeholder gfx otherwise thanks for nice replies. Good idea with the sound fx.
HR78: Thanks, im really happy with the level generator engine. I'll think of ways to add to its complexity
EXPFall: Monster AI is some of the most difficult thing to code in i've ever done :S I'll try to improve them tho. As for spawns, it used to be much worse ;D Thanks