Hey fellow C2'ers,
Now we love traps and we're busy working with Construct 2 (fantastic piece of kit btw!). Which is going to help us release our first game/s.
Starting with CON-TRAP-SHUN; (play early access at lioncoregames.com/construct2/CON-TRAP-SHUN)
<img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/993354_696737033676925_376833152_n.png" border="0" />
A sandbox inspired physics / trap game which sees you avoiding / constructing contraptions in order to either harm or save the little folks (currently the default pig).... The beauty of it is... everything we are now developing will be transferable into our original title Hidden Dangers (which will see the light of day) and 1/2 other titles we have planned for the future.
Graphics are currently all placeholder;
You can play a VERY early access version of CON-TRAP-SHUN at lioncoregames.com/construct2/CON-TRAP-SHUN
Enjoy. Would be great to get some feedback :)