Something that I was working on for fun
Inspired by CreepyPasta by Danatblair "I Must Type This Sentence"
Story Reading
If you would rather listen to the creepypasta for yourself you can find it by the above link. Below is a quick break down.
I heard the creepypasta about a young girl stuck on her computer typing the same sentence over and over to impede the monsters she can see in her computer screen. The girl had been typing the same sentence over and over for weeks. So a thought went off as to if someone was actually in this situation how long could they actually last typing the same sentence over and over before they met their demise.
Unfortunately there is no winning at this it is more of a how long can you last before your devour type thing. This was more of a experiment on implementing something like the store and trying to capture her situation.
Probability I do anything else with this is slim. I was just playing around with C2 and the thought <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">