Hey everyone,
I've just finished my first project with Construct. It was sort of a, design game and learn at the same time deal. But I'd like to see what you all think of it, is it worth building into a full game? I've reached the 100 event mark, so I only wanna continue if it has potential. (even tho I'll probably just buy the licence in the future anyways.) FYI's the graphics are "cheap" i guess you could say. I made'em more for just place holding & for quick resources. I kinda like them now though. Would it be better with a Hi Res or more realistic style? Opinions please and feedback. Thanks <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">
Here's the link. Couple of times it didn't load all the way for me so try twice if not.
https://66b14e4121e3d18abdc46a3a57eeac3 ... index.html