The concept is simple enough, yet well executed - you jump by tapping the screen (didn't work initially for some reason) and you have to change the color of the background to the same as the beams you come across, to pass them. No problems here.
The gameplay seems to be without issues, except that i disliked how fast the game starts (literally less than a second before the start animation and running at full speed) and that the player seems to move across the screen slightly (e.g. as if the camera was being moved, as opposed to the whole world around it). This jitteriness makes the game seem less responsive, because it's harder to know exactly where the player is at any given time. Also, the game ends too abruptly, no end game screen, nothing - you're just instantly thrown back into the main menu.
The difficulty itself seems decent, no bugs like gaps that cannot be jumped across so far, the performance is also adequate.
From an artistic viewpoint, however, i dislike the game - it appears that some default Windows font is used for the main menu, which simply looks amateurish, there are no "pressed / mouse over" states for the buttons, there also appears to be a white border around the character sprite, as if it was drawn on a white background and then just pasted, without taking the care to fix the edges. Also, there are no jump animations for the character, it sort of seems that he is running even when in air.
My 0.02$.