Hello there!
I'm trying to clone a game called RushFight.
Here's the .capx:
I'm afraid I'm not using the proper method for movement of the objects because, I will need the movements (and all of its events) to be made from point A to point B, in one key press, regardless how fast the user hit the keys.
The object 'Enemy' moves towards the center of the screen using the 'rex_moveto' plugin, and when overlapping, the object 'Player' triggers the 'moveTo' below the screen (in pixels) and is destroyed. If I hit the keys extremely fast (one of the challenges of the game) the object 'Enemy' continues his path along the X axis passing the object 'Player' and not detecting the overlapping.
The art is from Garou:The Mark of the Wolves. I just couldn't resist in Kyokugen-style karate in this gameplay.
First timer on C2, so any feedback of the game mechanics (or anything else) would be MUCH appreciated.