Thanks guys! I'm still defining the graphic style, but you see i'm going for thick cartoonish lines, brownish colours... Still a lot's gonna change, like that speedometer, which looks like a clock, or the finishline, which as for now is a copy of the startpoint with some checks on it. I intend to plagiarize VASTLY from that earn to die series XD
You should be able to pass (over) other cars using nitro (press space bar, or touch the speedometer shortly), which makes and impulse forward and a bit upwards too, kind of jumping. They work better if you hit them when running fast. At the current state of it you should be able to get 1st somewhat easily if you run the beetle (and if you dont meet too many pickups), which is the lightest and fastest of the three models. The pickup is not too bad either, i usually get 2nd or 3rd with it. The nazi mustang (the "rustang" it's calld) sucks big time tho. All them to be tweaked in the future. I explain, or try to, the race mechanics below...
There are already warning signs! They're tiny and blurry and just perching over the very edge of each cliff
Mechanics (as everything else) are very provisional as for now. I indeed may set it to scale outer, so you have a bit more of visual field, but i'd like it to be, hum, short-ranged of sorts. Sure will be fuelcans to collect, barriers to break and exploding kegs, and most likely some firearms too. Collisions between cars stays tho! Furthermore i'm planning to make them break into pieces when hit! I might enhance the nitro to make it easier to pass (or be passed by) other cars, or introduce some other powerup.
The race thing is very wip still. It works as follows. (I'd particularly appreciate feedback on this, cos it's a bit weird).
- You start alone. Don't really like this, i may do some mock animation in which all cars seems to start a second before you or something and leave you behind from the beginning (happens to me in all racing games). Has to be mock, as you'll see.
- Scattered along the way you meet some invisible (orange) spawnboxes. When you (the pc car) hit one from the left, an enemy car is spawned offscreen in the oposite side of the spawnbox, which is destroyed. So shortly after that, you meet the enemy car on the road.
- If an enemy car hits one of these spawnboxes before yo tho, the later is destroyed and no other car is spawned, but you get one penalty point, which means that you've already lost 1 position. This means that if you stay just behind another car without somehow passing it for a long distance, chances are that it (enemy car) is hitting all the spawnboxes and making you loose positions. So you need to pass them fast!
- If any enemy car crosses the finish line earlier than you, obviously you get another penalty point...
- And at the end, the textbox (dat spritefont belongs of course to another project, still need to make one for this one) shows your final position which is equal to all your penalties + 1 (as it's 0 based). No penalties = 0 + 1, youre first. Six penalties = 6 + 1, yer 7th.
-Hope it makes sense...
Notice thus that there's no eight cars running towards the goalpoint from the beginning -- and as many fall down the cliffs, it would be very rare to have eight cars on the layout at any given time (but maybe i should destroy them anyway when theyre left behind far enough, yknow for performance). It might seem unfair the fact that maybe you've already lost several positions when you're not even half race done, but the player shouldnt be aware of how it works, so the whole thing should feel consistent. (And anyway, he shoulve been FASTAH!).
One interesting thing of this method (?) is that it will hopefully allow me to make something halfway between a "classic" race circuit and a more arcade oriented level. I could have several cars to be spawned at a certain order (weaker, of slower, first), and a big bad boss at the end -- which you may meet only if you pass all the previous cars on time or something. But hey now i'm rushing too ahead! I'd like this project to be simple.
Oh **** look at that post. Sorry guys. Ah, one last thing! The game is much easier on PC than on mobile/tablet -- because of that thing about physics being always framerate-dependent for some reason, i reckon. What's the approach, here? Is there any turnaround? Or sould I just go mobile-first?
Thanks for your patience!