WOW! R0j0hound to the rescue. I'll check those out now.
Yeah I find myself using large text files more and more. It started just for populating arrays and dictionaries using CSV-formatted files. Then I started using a grammar system for use with my procedural generation, and that required some quite complex data structures, so I wrote a sort-of scripting language to fill multiple structures at once.
The project that this will make the most impact on is my take on C2 is a beautiful environment, and I've always had a real fondness for middleware in general (Klik&Play4Lyfe). So now I'm making my own! It's still early days yet - I've been working on it in-between a related project (a Berlin roguelike) and trying to adult. Your plugin will speed things up dramatically though.
I'm aiming to add some extra functionality to the PS system by adding things like player inventory support, better support for real-time games, maybe an entity-component system to handle variables on objects. The rough idea is to extend Puzzlescript to be able to make something a little closer to an early Zelda game, or similar.