What's one of the best books in 2018 to learn JavaScript?

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  • I have some experience with other languages and frameworks and want to dive in js full stack web development.

    Can someone advice me which book i should read? I don't need to much explanation since i already have some few years of programming experience. It's just that i never did JS.

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  • I have some experience with other languages and frameworks and want to dive in js full stack web development.

    Can someone advice me which book i should read? I don't need to much explanation since i already have some few years of programming experience. It's just that i never did JS.

    I have programming knowledge from other fields but I dived into JavaScript last in nearly a year ago. Just so I can extend Construct for my projects. I didn't read a physical book, only eBooks or references.

    I started with:

    tutorialspoint.com Html5+CSS+JS


    w3schools.com Html5+CSS+JS




    Youtube : ES6

    Then : Mozilla JS references.

    Lastly : Use the language, you already know the language at this point.

    I learned JS first because it was easier to understand in a programming perspective. Because, those HTML5 tags and CSS are just crazy to learn without actually using it for your projects.

    In just a week, I learned to use Web Development for Construct 3 extensions. Then, I stopped reading books about it. I just lookup actual HTML5 + JS references.

    I can't recommend you books but I can recommend you some startups, because after you take this route, you won't even need a book. You'll just keep looking at the Mozilla References for your projects.

    I hope that helped in a way.

  • If you have some programming background already in an oop language I would strongly suggest you look at Typescript. I'm a c# guy and also wanted to pickup JavaScript. What a sad little language. Definitely better than it was 10 years ago but still...then I saw a TypeScript video and whoa! All of my JavaScript issues were put to rest. It's a transpiler that converts it's superset of JavaScript to standard JavaScript but has support for things like classes, interfaces and strong typing which is awesome in my book. I primarily watch videos on Pluralsight.com and Youtube anymore. Occasionally books but they become outdated too quickly.

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