This one isn't listed above, but if you need external files bundled with your plugin (e.g. a javascript library) you can specify one or more dependency files with:
"dependency": "file1.js;file2.js;file3.html"
You must provide these files in the plugin's folder. Construct 2 will then copy them out when exporting the project, and make them available on the preview server for testing. Construct 2 will also automatically insert a script tag in to the HTML page before the runtime for any files ending in .js, so you do not need to worry about loading them yourself.
Example :
function GetPluginSettings()
return {
"name": "Sprite",
"id": "Sprite",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "An animated object that is the building block of most projects.",
"author": "Scirra",
"help url": "http://www.scirra.com",
"category": "General",
"type": "world",
"rotatable": true,
"flags": pf_animations | pf_position_aces | pf_size_aces | pf_angle_aces | pf_appearance_aces,
"dependency": "babylon.js;myjsfile.js;file3.html"