How do I tweet a variable

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  • Hey, I have a simple question.

    It's possible to make an bot on twitter that tweets variable of my game in construct 2?

    Exemple : If HumanName variable = "Chara", I want that the bot tweet "Welcome to Chara on brOKtale !" ?

  • Hey, I have a simple question.

    It's possible to make an bot on twitter that tweets variable of my game in construct 2?

    Exemple : If HumanName variable = "Chara", I want that the bot tweet "Welcome to Chara on brOKtale !" ?

    maybe this can helpyou

  • > Hey, I have a simple question.

    > It's possible to make an bot on twitter that tweets variable of my game in construct 2?


    > Exemple : If HumanName variable = "Chara", I want that the bot tweet "Welcome to Chara on brOKtale !" ?


    maybe this can helpyou

    Hey, thanks for your answer.

    I know how to set the name of the player in a variable, but I want that a twitter account tweet something like " "Welcome "&HumanName "

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  • >

    > > Hey, I have a simple question.

    > > It's possible to make an bot on twitter that tweets variable of my game in construct 2?

    > >

    > > Exemple : If HumanName variable = "Chara", I want that the bot tweet "Welcome to Chara on brOKtale !" ?

    > >

    > maybe this can helpyou

    > how-do-i-get-text-objects-to-display-simple-variables_t162522


    Hey, thanks for your answer.

    I know how to set the name of the player in a variable, but I want that a twitter account tweet something like " "Welcome "&HumanName "

    you mean "Twitter" the social network?

  • Yes !

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