So, i've searched far and wide for the answer on the forums and youtube/google but to no avail. For the life of me, I couldn't find how to make a merchant/trader.
So, my goal is for both him and player have 4 same items and the buy/sell prices are the same (eg. he sells "meat", "helmet", "armor" and "sword" for 1, 2, 3, 4 gold respectfully, but buys the same things from you for the same price of 1, 2, 3, 4 gold respectfully).
I've made simple global variable to represent player's gold, items and their prices (Text object that has instance variable) and that's about it.
What I need is :
1) Make player's inventory (don't need picures or anything, just text saying "You have :X pieces of meat")
2) Have the prices vary on visit after a trigger (first time you visit him prices are 1,2,3,4 but if you come to him again after a day they get to 3,4,5,6. My idea is to make a fixed variable for each of the items representing it's base value and then add random number-from A to B, to prevent cheap stuff massivly overprice the usually more expensive stuff.
3) Have him have lmited number of each item to trade
ty for any help