This is a common picking problem. Whenever you experience something like that, you can in 99.9% cases if not 100% be certain that its due to a picking issue
In event 9 you are using a "Place" to spawn a plating object, but you haven't picked a "Place". So C2 doesn't know which "Place" you are talking about and therefore it assumes that all "Place" objects are valid and therefore picks all of them.
If you add the following to event 9 and 10:
Mouse is over "Place"
Pick nearest "Place" to Mouse.X and Mouse.Y
It should solve the problem. However whether that is the best solution im not sure, just an example of how to solve it, with correct picking.
Also you are using a newly created "Plating" in event 9 to spawn a "Dial Shooter", im pretty sure this is going to cause problems, if it wasn't for the wait. So I I were you I would change it so you are also using the "Place" to spawn the Dialshooter or use the System->Create object instead. The same goes in Event 10 with the "Cancel" that way you can get rid of the "Wait". which is rarely a good idea to use in my opinion if it can be avoided.