Grim's Forum Posts

  • Grim there's plenty of posts on the forum about that. All you need to do is to use search.

    And not to be rude or anything, but maybe you should read some tutorials or make something simpler first. Looking at your events it's quite obvious that you have no idea what are you doing.

    You would be surprised of what i'm actually archieving...

    Thanks ASHLEY.

  • Up-

    Please help me someone.

  • shinkan gumshoe2029

    i want to solve this problem:

    but it just simply doesnt work.

    every time i change tabs the game still freezes the gold.

    And if i remove the Every 1 Second from the event, it will literally raise 60 times per second

  • I want to use the wallclock time everytime i want to change a tab in the browser.

    im making this to once the player switches to the game tab, the amount of currency he could earn while idle will be directly proportional to the amunt of time he was afk.

    ¿how do i do that?

    ¿is there any event that can make that happend?

    (i apologise for my english)

  • For example:

    ¿Can i repeat the same with an instance variable?

    and how?

  • Are you downloading via Steam or from this forum?

    If Steam, then make certain you have subsribed for the beta installs.

    If from this site, then HERE are all the releases of C2.

    oh i see, i downloaded it from the main C2 site, and i tough there would be the last version.

    Thank you!.

  • this: ... :C

    i did actually donwloaded again the construct 2 launcher in order to reeinstall my construct 2 version, but it seems the launcher is 206 too, and this capx is asking me for a 209.

    i dont get it D:

  • Ok give me a few minutes, I will set up a simple capx for you to learn and understand.

    Aw men thank you.

    i really apreciatte the fact that you took the time to do this

    ¿Do you have any sort of contact? like email, or facebook or skype. (i can read pm's but i cant send one because of the reputation limit)

    its because i dont have contacts that are actually really good at construct 2 (well basically i dont have any contact that uses construct)

  • I am not too sure if I understand correctly, but you can fix all of them using variables.

    But the first thing you will need to fix is the second part of your question. To make sure only that one tower is upgraded, use a variable to record that tower's UID. In case you don't know, UID is like a number tag given to every single sprite in the game. Also, add a simple sprite into your layout, just a small one and you can set it to invisible as well, I will explain why we want it later, but for now, let's call it SpriteInvisible. So what you can do is this:

    On left button clicked on DialShooter --> Set Variable1 to DialShooter.UID. And also Set SpriteInvisible position to DialShooter's x and y coordinates.

    Than when the player clicks on the upgrade button, create a sub event and select the DialShooter by UID, using Variable1 as a reference. That will take care of your second issue.

    For the first one, you need to remember that the sub events will all run as the conditions have been met, so it will always return to default after 2 seconds. What you want to do is do a check to see if it has been upgraded or not. If not, than only return the animation to default.

    Again you can do this using variables. And for this case, I won't use the Wait action, I would rather create my own custom timer cause I think it will work better. What I would do is this, create 2 global variables, one called CheckTime, another called CountDown. And another local variable for the DialShooter, called ReturnDefault. Now on for your first event, just add the three actions and remove the rest. Set CountDown to 120, CheckTime to 1, and ReturnDefault to 1.

    Create a new event and set three conditions, check if CheckTime = 1, CountDown > 0, and add the every tick condition together. In the subevent, use the deduct variable to deduct Countdown by 1 (because in the every tick condition, 60 ticks equal 1 second, so 120 ticks equal 2 seconds. So once your Countdown reaches 0, that means the 2 seconds are up. Create an event below with two conditions, if CheckTime = 1 and CountDown =< 0, add the action set CheckTime = 0 and select the DialShooter with the UID variable, and return it's animation to default. And as you can see, if the player clicks on another DialShooter, the CountDown is reset to 120 again from the event above.

    Lastly, you still have your local variable ReturnDefault which is at 1. The reason we want this is because, if you select another DialShooter halfway while it is counting down, the events only work on the new DialShooter, and the first one you selected will never return to default animation. Remember the SpriteInvisible we used earlier, this is where it will come in handy. Create a new event below, with two conditions. If ReturnDefault = 1, and if DialShooter is NOT overlapping with SpriteInvisible, set it's animation to default and also set the ReturnDefault back to 0. Remember to set ReturnDefault back to 0 for the event when you upgrade as well.

    I'm sure there must be a more effective way, but this should work for you.

    Sorry i couldnt understand some stuff. like, what do you mean with the "UID variable", and its becase im new to construct. and i cant find any event/action called "Deduct" or with "deduct" on it.

    ¿Could you please send me a screen shot or an example of this? i would areciatte. Same with the spritinvisible, i couldnt pretty much understand the sistem. ill send you a gif:

  • Basically this:

    Im trying to make an upgrade sistem for my tower defence.

    The first one has a problem, i want that when i select that tower if the player dont buy the upgrade in 2 seconds, the tower will stop getting selected animation. (but instead, if i buy the upgrade the tower will change to the upgrade texture, but than 2 seconds later it will get back to default :C)

    The second one, I want to make that only when one single tower is selected, the upgrade will be done.

    because, right now if you are fast enough you can make that multiple towers selected at the same time get upgraded at the cost of 1.

    • Post link icon

    Im new to construct and just with basic logic im already building a pretty good tower defence game, and i dont even have 2 month in this program... i can tell you that this thing has a lot potential.

  • I can hardly explain it because they do not speak English

    but take into account the image.

    when the planet is colliding with purple sprite, and you see the player collides with purple sprite, gravity will be in the center of the planet.

    to move from planet to planet looks bad,

    so I had to put that when the player

    sprite collides with purple,

    the vertor Platform will be equal to 0

    in the case of noncircular lands

    yellow sprite that is responsible

    when the player collides with yellow sprite

    gravity will be equal to the angle of the yellow sprite

    That's the basics, sorry for my bad English

    Debido al hecho de que en tu concepto hay una pequeña traducción en español.

    Asumo que lo hablas, soy nuevo en construct y me gustaría tener agregado a algún contacto que hable mi lengua nativa y conozca mucho de construct (y lo digo por que hiciste esa maravilla de físicas en tu juego).

    ¿Perdón por la imprudencia pero tienes algún metodo de contacto?, tu sabes, Steam, facebook, skype.

    por que de momento no se me permite usar el PM para estos foros.


    Due to the fact that in your concept there is a small translation in Spanish.

    I assume you're talking about, I'm new to construct and would like added to a contact who speaks my native language and learn a lot from construct (and I say you did that marvel of physical in your game).

    Excuse me for recklessness but you have some method of contact ?, you know, Steam, facebook, skype.

    by which time there I may use the PM to these forums.

  • Grim

    Please don't multiple post - it's frowned upon.

    Here's the answer I gave in your other thread:

    Free edition limitations are outlined in the manual:

    [quote:1tub9n0a]Construct 2 Free Edition

    Construct 2 can be downloaded and installed to any computer for free, including site-wide at non-commercial institutions like schools. Without a license, it runs as the Free Edition. This has the following limitations:

    A maximum of 100 events in a project

    A maximum of 4 layers in any layout

    A maximum of 2 effects in a project

    No folder organisation in the project bar

    No event search

    No configurations bar

    No Families

    No Preview on LAN

    Not allowed to be used for commercial purposes (however, it can be used in education and other non-profit organisations)


    By the way im sorry for double posting in diferent forums, i just got a bit impatient, wont happend again

    (ended buying the license by the way)

  • Im making a game.

    And i have a question for the event limit.

    The Free license has 100 event limit.

    Does this means that i can do for example, a lvl 1Layout with 40 events, a lvl 2 Layout with 50 events and a lvl 3 Layout with 70 events?

    ¿Or does that means im only able to use 100 events in the very whole proyect?

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  • ¿Does the 100 event limit aplies to the whole project or to every layout?

    For example, ¿Can i create lvl 1 with 60 actions, lvl 2 with 75 actions, lvl 3 with 80 actions etc?

    Or i can only create levels untill i reach the 100 actions?

    Its something i dont understand.