ok i give up with this admob stuff
are there any other monetization advert plugins for use with android via intel xdk?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Cranberry games admob plugin should work fine. What problems are you running into?
thank you for the reply my friend,
these are the problems i am having, i have tried every solution i could think of and cant work out why it doesnt work.
I reccomend trying Cranberrygames plugin if you cant get the offical one working his installs itself so nothing need to be set up in XDk also before doing that if your events are the same change just put show banner ad under at start of layout
ahh, thank you very much volkiller it has finally worked with your suggestion
damn dont know whats making it wrong. that phonegap plugin is much better than the offical admob