Hey guys !
I've bumped into a major and consistent crash problem after compiling my project. It is related to a new functionality that was supposed to enable/disable FullScreen in the Parameters Menu of my game.
For information, I'm previewing my project using NW.js in C2, and it works like a charm.
However the preview doesn't seem to be helping at all, because when the project is indeed exported... it doesn't work.
- the game opens in FullScreen mode (but somehow he doesn't "realize" he's in full screen, cf the DebugBox in the files I'll link to)
- if I ask him to go Window Mode (by using the Cancel FullScreen action of the Browser object) the game instantly crashes and I have to go CTRL+ALT+SUP to close nwjs.
I don't know how to solve this. I've tried to :
- cancel FullScreen as soon as the game loads, but it doesn't work
- play with the Window Size using the Nw.js object, but it doesn't work.
You can download both the preview mode and the Exported version of the simplified project here :
The full export project (linux, osx, windows) : mediafire.com/file/jjs3u2w8ack3t7q/FullScreenTest.rar[/li]
Thanks in advance for those who'll take the time to help me !