How do I make this thing happen?

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  • Hey guys im figuring out how can do this:

    For example in layer 1 all the tileset are there I want to all of them invisible after a player hit something but I want those thing to be still there and want the object to be reappear if player hit with that thing again.

  • Player On Collision with ThatThing
    	ThatThing is visible -> Set invisibile
    	Else -> Set visibile
  • > Player On Collision with ThatThing
    	ThatThing is visible -> Set invisibile
    	Else -> Set visibile

    Will this allow to completely invisible example layer1 so all the stuff which present in that layer gonna be invisible. Because you are mentioning object i want whole stuff in layer1 to get hide up.

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  • Yes. You can set the whole layer invisible, and check if the layer is visible or not.

  • Yes. You can set the whole layer invisible, and check if the layer is visible or not.

    Dop2000 can you help me with example if possible that would be really good of you

  • Please post your project or a screenshot of events.

  • Please post your project or a screenshot of events.

    Hey, stan see I'm just giving you a rough example of what I wanna achieve.

    There is a player (blue is a gun) and white is a platform.

    Now what I wanted is to make a platform to get invisible but it should be physically there.

    So for example, if the fire shot the player can see the platform, and when again fire shot again the platform gets invisible.

  • So what's the problem? Have you tried the code I posted in my first comment?

    Bullet on collision with Platform -> If Platform is visible - set invisible, Else set visible.

  • So what's the problem? Have you tried the code I posted in my first comment?

    Bullet on collision with Platform -> If Platform is visible - set invisible, Else set visible.

    Stan I don't want the collision to happen what I wanted is to whenever bullet fires platform gets visible and invisible.

    So on fire one, it gets invisible on 2nd it gets invisible on 3rd it gets visible and so on.

  • Ok, you can use any other event instead of "On collision" - for example "On Key Pressed" or "On Touch".

    On (whatever event you use to fire a bullet)
    	Platform is visible -> Platform Set invisibile
    	Else -> Platform Set visibile
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