Hey, i do not own any android phone or tablet, or iphone. Does exist any good simulator that will Simulate gameplay on some modern phones? Thank you
Hi ex32 One way would be to publish a beta game (e.g. on this forum - even if it is a work in progress) and ask users to give you feedback about any problems. While the beta is running you could gather data - some automaticallly - about what systems your game is getting played on.
Use the emulator in Intel XDK.
thanks , i will probably try both options
This tool is very useful for testing how the game will look on different screen sizes:
Just bookmark the link on that page on your browser and go to the that link when you are running your project, a menu will appear on top of the page allowing you to change screen sizes instantly.
For testing other features you'll need emulators like fridayjams mentioned or using real phones.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Thanks very useful
Download "Resize window" plugin for google chrome and set the resolution as you want.
Hey Ex. In general, building a game for mobile without a testing device is extremely risky. You could easily find that after many hours spent programming it doesn't function how you intended it to. Not wanting to deter you just a word of warning.
GenkiGenga , oh yeahh, i already tried XDk simulator and it is already not working as it should, and yes will have to buy some cheap phone.
Device mode in Chrome DevTools allows you to choose the viewports of various devices. Note however the main reason to buy a real device is for performance testing. A mobile could be 10x slower than your PC/laptop, and simulators/viewport resizers will still use the full power of your system.
thank you, very useful, , my pc is very very old, it has maybe worse performerance than , some mobiles. So it is not gonna be a problem