Submitting app via Xcode question

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Forget about default textbox restrictions, you can create sprites atop of the textbox
  • Hi, I am trying to submit my game to the App Store and want to test it out first. Using XCode, I built a version that succeeded, but when I tried to test it on a device or emulator, I get the Ejecta load screen followed by a black screen that prompts me to log into my itunes account. It does not accept any account information and if I hit cancel it stays on the black screen. I am using Game Center for leaderboards and achievements, so could that be why the game is asking me to log in right away? I have it set to, on start of layout, sign in, but even if the user ignores it, shouldn't it go straight to the game? Any idea why this is happening or how to fix it?

  • I've found with Ejecta and Game Center - when you run in the Emulator it will ask to sign in to Game Center but it will fail the first time. When you run the game in future it should then give you a Game Center 'not available' error in the console log, but still run the game OK. Game Center functions will work on a real device but only in Sandbox mode. Make sure you go to Settings on the device and set Game Center to 'Sandbox'.

    A black screen indicates something else is wrong however. Can you run a basic project in Ejecta e.g. just displaying a few sprites?

    Oh, make sure to use the Ejecta plugin for Game Center - not the native one, as that only works on a PhoneGap/Cordova build.

  • I've found with Ejecta and Game Center - when you run in the Emulator it will ask to sign in to Game Center but it will fail the first time. When you run the game in future it should then give you a Game Center 'not available' error in the console log, but still run the game OK. Game Center functions will work on a real device but only in Sandbox mode. Make sure you go to Settings on the device and set Game Center to 'Sandbox'.

    A black screen indicates something else is wrong however. Can you run a basic project in Ejecta e.g. just displaying a few sprites?

    Oh, make sure to use the Ejecta plugin for Game Center - not the native one, as that only works on a PhoneGap/Cordova build.

    Thanks for the quick reply. Which plugin is the correct one? I am using GameCenter in Construct 2. Should I be using Ejecta or something different? ... ow-for-ios

    Also, the latest update for Construct 2 removed the Ejecta Export option and I had to do it with Cordova.

  • If you are exporting to Ejecta you must use the Ejecta plugin to access Game Center. You can still do an Ejecta export by right clicking on the Export window and click "Show deprecated Exporters".

    If you are using exporting to Cordova and building with the Intek XDK, or Phonegap Build then the native C2 Game Center plugin should work OK.

  • > I've found with Ejecta and Game Center - when you run in the Emulator it will ask to sign in to Game Center but it will fail the first time. When you run the game in future it should then give you a Game Center 'not available' error in the console log, but still run the game OK. Game Center functions will work on a real device but only in Sandbox mode. Make sure you go to Settings on the device and set Game Center to 'Sandbox'.


    > A black screen indicates something else is wrong however. Can you run a basic project in Ejecta e.g. just displaying a few sprites?


    > Oh, make sure to use the Ejecta plugin for Game Center - not the native one, as that only works on a PhoneGap/Cordova build.


    Thanks for the quick reply. Which plugin is the correct one? I am using GameCenter in Construct 2. Should I be using Ejecta or something different? ... ow-for-ios

    Also, the latest update for Construct 2 removed the Ejecta Export option and I had to do it with Cordova.

    why removed c2 ejecta exporter?

    i make with cordova, have synex error

  • >

    > > I've found with Ejecta and Game Center - when you run in the Emulator it will ask to sign in to Game Center but it will fail the first time. When you run the game in future it should then give you a Game Center 'not available' error in the console log, but still run the game OK. Game Center functions will work on a real device but only in Sandbox mode. Make sure you go to Settings on the device and set Game Center to 'Sandbox'.

    > >

    > > A black screen indicates something else is wrong however. Can you run a basic project in Ejecta e.g. just displaying a few sprites?

    > >

    > > Oh, make sure to use the Ejecta plugin for Game Center - not the native one, as that only works on a PhoneGap/Cordova build.

    > >


    > Thanks for the quick reply. Which plugin is the correct one? I am using GameCenter in Construct 2. Should I be using Ejecta or something different? ... ow-for-ios


    > Also, the latest update for Construct 2 removed the Ejecta Export option and I had to do it with Cordova.


    why removed c2 ejecta exporter?

    i make with cordova, have synex error

    I didn't remove it, it looks like Scirra did.

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  • Can someone please point me in the direction of an up to date tutorial for getting Game Center to work in the most recent build of Construct 2 please? Everything seems to be out dated.


    > > I've found with Ejecta and Game Center - when you run in the Emulator it will ask to sign in to Game Center but it will fail the first time. When you run the game in future it should then give you a Game Center 'not available' error in the console log, but still run the game OK. Game Center functions will work on a real device but only in Sandbox mode. Make sure you go to Settings on the device and set Game Center to 'Sandbox'.

    > >

    > > A black screen indicates something else is wrong however. Can you run a basic project in Ejecta e.g. just displaying a few sprites?

    > >

    > > Oh, make sure to use the Ejecta plugin for Game Center - not the native one, as that only works on a PhoneGap/Cordova build.

    > >


    > Thanks for the quick reply. Which plugin is the correct one? I am using GameCenter in Construct 2. Should I be using Ejecta or something different? ... ow-for-ios


    > Also, the latest update for Construct 2 removed the Ejecta Export option and I had to do it with Cordova.


    why removed c2 ejecta exporter?

    i make with cordova, have synex error

    I didn't remove it, it looks like Scirra did.

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