How I can move an object from one hand to another, but is not suddenly going slowly.
what do you mean by hand?
For example from point a to b... but does not want to appear suddenly, as if it were walking the object <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
Try rexrainbow's MoveTo behavior:
I do not understand that I have to get off .. are plugins, I prefer CapX
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Plugins are extensions that will allow you to use extra features developed by the community.
To install a plugin you just have to open the C2 install folden at exporters/html5/plugin and paste the plugin here, the plugin features will appear in C2 then. Nothing to do with capx, your C2 project is still a capx when you use plugins.
You don't need a plug in to move from the right to the left hand side of the screen,slowly, if that's what your trying to do...
Just give your object the bullet behaviour, you can adjust the speed and set the angle as required...
Every tick:
--Set objectA position to lerp(objectA.X, objectB.X, 0.1), lerp(objectA.Y, objectB.Y, 0.1)
Change the 0.1 value to change speed