Weishaupt, you can use Wait in loops, the problem is most people do this:
+ Repeat 10 times
-> Do something
-> Wait 1 second
This doesn't work. I've tried explaining this a few times now, but maybe one more time: 'Wait' actually means 'set up a timer to run the rest of this event in X seconds'. So if there's nothing after the Wait action it will have no effect at all. This event says "repeat 'do something' 10 times, then wait 1 second and do nothing 10 times". Instead what you usually want is:
+ Repeat 10 times
-> Wait loopindex seconds
-> Do something
This works, because loopindex goes 0, 1, 2, 3... so each iteration waits a different amount of time. The end result is the action is run one second apart for ten seconds, which is probably what you wanted. In other words, the event says "starting from now, wait 0 seconds then do action, wait 1 second then do action, wait 2 seconds then do action...".
You probably think of 'Wait' as pausing the entire game for an amount of time. It would be useless if it did that! The entire game would freeze while the loop was running. It's only useful to have it work this way round. I hope you can see how it works better now :) I'm not aware of any bugs in the Wait action, it's just people assume it means 'pause game'.