Shoot projectile to cursor place

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Mouse cursor is something that the player controls and sees all the time, that's why it is so important to make it cool!
  • Hi. I continue developing my top-down-shooter game, and again have some problem, which i don't know how to solve.

    I try to make granade throwing to mouse cursor place, but in my decision this didn't work.

    I do this:

    But find out that this didn't work well, when Player near to (0,0), granade flying time too small, when he moving away => time of flying getting grow

    So, goal is, when granade flying to cursor position and then get it - destroy.

    How can i do this?

    P.S.: Also i try to find solution on "tds-demo" in C2, but didn't get it almost at all, to be honest.

  • um, not really sure if i can help, but this caught my eye as im actually doing a very very similar looking game cant you go on with the grenade just by giving it a slow speed towards the mouse pointer, a few seconds of wait and then change it to an explosion? then animate the bullet so it looks like your throwing it instead of shooting a slow bullet.

  • this?


    Yeah! Thank you!

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  • Mate, would you mind giving an update on your games progress at some point? as i said earlier, my game is rather identical to yours and would love to see what you come up with.

    Good luck!

  • Mate, would you mind giving an update on your games progress at some point? as i said earlier, my game is rather identical to yours and would love to see what you come up with.

    Good luck!

    Thx, dude! I made some progress posts at my twitter already, but nothing special. And yeah, I think, that's good idea to start dev-blog or something in future. Is there any possibility to add friends at Scirra forum? If yes, will add u, man

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