<img src="http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/3572/topic60103shootleft.png" border="0" />
First thing I see here is that you have an event with completely contradicting actions. This makes your B button not work at all at the moment.
You can't throw all your bullet angles into the same event. You need to break it up into at least two separate events.
There is a bit of work that needs to go into this. I would suggest going over the manual at least once.
Your bullets should spawn on a layer other than your background. Move them to layer 1.
You are being redundant calling out the imagepoint for adam. When you have Adam spawning the bullet and it prompts you for which image point it spawns on, you are directly telling it which image point on adam it is being placed. Just put 1.
Also, for some reason you image point appear misaligned for whatever reason. As you move up on the plateforms the point relative to your sprite adam also goes up. As you move right the spawn point moves further right. There appears to be some major bugs going on that I can't seem to figure out.
Also, you have a memory leak by creating an endless supply of bad guys every 2 seconds that move left and are not destroyed under any condition when they move off screen. You'll want to address that. the same goes with the bullets.
TL;DR by seperating your current statement to spawn a bullet into two different events, it would shoot perfectly left or right depending on which way he was facing.
Good luck getting the rest of the bugs sorted.