hello, I have another problem again, set admob in my application and intel XDK also place the plugin but do in apk and any ad is not shown, could someone help me?
On start of layout ==> preload interstitial
and when the level completed for example ===> show interstitial
make sure you use this plugin
if that's what you use but to become apk with XDK intel, shows no announcement.
Ashley help me!
admob the apk don't show publicity in my game.
Take a look at this tutorial: https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/4848/how-to-get-admob-official-plugin-working-on-android-crosswalk
Unfortunately it looks like there's a small issue somewhere. I've just downloaded XDK 2893 (newest one at this time) and there is no Admob under "Featured Plugins" in Cordova Plugin Explorer like tutorial says. Also manually adding a plugin ID in Third-Party Plugins ("com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.ad.admob", "cordova-plugin-ad-admob" or any others variations I've found) always returns "Unknown Error. Unexpected call to process.exit()"
shinkan and I solved the problem, but thanks for comment, thank all those who helped me.
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360jex could you share how you solved it, for others who need some help?
shinkan it sounds good, what I did was simply delete the application admob and exported again, create a new project in intel XDK and install the plugin newly and it worked great.