yeah patience young jedi..all things will be 'revealed' good time...I built a similar ai for a space harvesting game...I see if I can dig up the ai script...might take a day or two.....Sounds like you are nearly there anyway...One way to avoid the "crazies' in Miner 2 is to put a Wait script Pseudo code
if -> Mine = busy(occupied)
then Miner 2 wait in holding pattern..
if mine = free(unoccupied)
then Miner 2 goto Mine and get some!!
This is how Warcraft rts's do it..
or the other way i have used before is to have stations...
points around the mine...which could be represented as image points offset from the image..
when the Miner goes to the mine
run a check for open image points..
with something like
using the same idea as above
-> Miner goto object"MINE" when it arrives..set it to image point 1
then when the mine is occupied and a second miner comes along
if Mine is busy(Occupied)..
-> Miner2 set position to Image point 2 or 3 or 4 or how ever many miner docking points you wish..:D
you sound like you just need to plan it all out a little more on paper first..
its always a good idea to map out what has to happen with every process in your game
RTS games are all about Processes..
first this
then that
so build some visual tree diagrams(flow charts) to help you unsderstand what process you need to make it work..
its all about the planning process..
take your time..
get it right:D
ill try to dig up that rts mining script i had was neat...very simple..less than 20 events..