Hello my friends,
My question is, how can I understand what variable/function standing behind minified ones?
I'll explain.
I have the source code, .capx, everything... But when I publish to production, I minify my script for obvious reasons.
Later I'm getting a report that one of the ugly "...nb,ob,pb,qb,rb,sb,tb,ub,vb,wb,xb,yb,zb,Ab,Cb,Db,Eb,Fb,Gb,Hb..." minified variables/function have a problem.
For example "ab" can't get a value of "null"... I want to understand what "ab" standing for.
Ashley, Is it possible to get some kind of dictionary when exporting and minifying the script? So later, only I, by having the dictionary, will understand what each minified variable stands for.
If not, I have a request for that feature in Construct2
Please help,
Thank you.