This is one way you could do it. In case anyone else has this question. And keep in mind that my way isn't usually the best way to do it. :-D
First you create your Sprite object. Give it (x) animations. 2 in your case. One for each of the ground tiles you want to move. Make sure to set their hot spot to 0,0 and set the animation speed to 0.
Then you can either create the initial screen full of tiles manually, or run two loops at startup that create tiles on the X and Y axis and then randomize the animation frame. That will fill your screen with tiles. The example I included does this.
Next, you make the tiles move. I use Every 0.05 ms move Tiles 1 pixel at 90 degrees. You can manipulate that later.
Next, in your case, your window height is 640. So... make an event that checks the tile Y position. That same event will need another event called "For Each Object" to make sure every tile creates this action, not just the first one. If the Y position is below 640, delete the tile, and create a new tile at X coordinate(tile.x), Y coordinate(-32), then set that tile's animation frame to random(2)
That should do it. And since I **** Raptor-turds at explaining, I included a capx. You'll need C2 version 146 or higher. (I think)